
The Best Free Stock Photos for Words and Typography Images

Get access to the best free typography and word stock photos and learn how to use them to ramp up your business' marketing.

by Good Impact Network   •   July 15, 2022

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    There’s no limit to the ways brands utilize stock photos. But of all the free images in the land, typography stock photos might just be one of the most useful for your brand. 

    You might be thinking: why not just type out the word you want to say? And the truth is, because images of words can portray your brand aesthetic with more personality and style than plain text ever could. Plus, they’re just overall more fun. 

    But unfortunately, finding the perfect typography stock photo can take more time than you (or anyone) care to spend scrolling on stock image sites. 

    Because stock photos are notorious for being cringy, pixelated, and hyper-recycled. 

    Even the most detailed search with targeted keywords can come up empty handed. And no one wants to spend hours sorting the profound from the Pinterest-style “live laugh love” screensavers or those cringeworthy Tumblr quotes. 

    That’s why I’ve curated the perfect collection of free typography stock images that are actually cool – to make the marketing and branding lives of small business owners and entrepreneurs infinitely easier.

    How Can You Use Word and Typography Images Most Effectively?

    Typography stock images are overall strong reinforcers of your brand aesthetic and make great backgrounds for landing pages and social media posts.

    Consider the Hollywood sign, which conjures images of LA-cool kids.

    red and white tower and white hollywood sign on hill at dusk
    By Gabriel

    Or the common words we see in signage, like a “Stop” sign, that can be used strategically in campaigns to motivate audiences to do something (or not).

    Red stop sign that has text underneath reading "eating animals"
    By Michael Jin

    But the utility of high-resolution typography or sign stock photos doesn’t stop there. Take a look at specific uses for some of our favorites from our full stock photo collection.

    Best Use Cases for Typography Stock Photos

    E-Commerce Sites

    white shopping bag with red lettering
    By Visuals

    This adorable bag graphic is perfect to use on your e-commerce site to thank your customers for their purchase. 

    FAQ Pages

    red neon signage question mark
    By Simone Secci

    Use this neon question mark as a header image on your FAQ page.

    Build Anticipation

    white good news is coming poster on street post
    By Jon Tyson

    Plaster this “good news is coming” sign on your site or social media page to tease an upcoming announcement.

    Event Availability

    White wall with black more seats sign and arrow pointing up stairs
    By Wu Yi

    A great stock image to let your customers know that there are more seats available for your next workshop or webinar. Bonus points if you place the image strategically to point users toward the ticket purchase page!

    Social Media Introductions

    Nothing says “Hi!” quite as loud as a bright neon sign. Use this stock image for a loud social media introduction to your business or team. 

    How to Add Your Own Branding to Word Stock Photos

    Not only are typography photos free from pesky copyright claims, but they can easily be recreated in Canva to better match your brand colors.

    If you want to get real fancy, you could even overlay some text of your own to reinforce a powerful statement or call-to-action.

    See how we took this original stock image….

    girl walking alongside beige concrete wall
    By Mike Von

    And with a little Canva editing magic, turned it into this branded marketing asset!

    girl walking sale image

    Want to know how we did it? Enter your email to get our free Canva stock image tutorial with our favorite tricks and best practices!

    So here you go! Stop the aimless search for stock photos actually worth using, and put this free collection to use. Access our full collection of word and typography stock images below.

    The Best Free Stock Photos for Words and Typography Images

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