protest sign that says smash the patriarchy

The Best Stock Photos for Fighting the Patriarchy

Use this curated collection of free stock photos that don't totally suck to help you and your business spread awareness for women's rights and the pro-choice movement.

by Jessi Greenlee   •   May 3, 2022

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    Friends and allies, Blessed Be the Fruit. In light of the leaked Supreme Court draft that would overturn Roe V. Wade, I have some thoughts and resources I’d like to share to help more people and businesses fight the patriarchy and get loud about this ridiculous ruling.

    I used to hate when people would describe me as loud. It was a reoccurring theme when I growing up. I heard it countless times from parents, family members, teachers, etc. It always made me feel like I was too much and in response, I’d try to minimize myself, talk softer, keep my opinions to myself, lower my voice, be smaller.

    It took me a long time and a lot of therapy to break free from that minimizing inner voice and I’m glad she’s gone. 31 years later and I don’t shy away from being a loud woman. I stand up for myself and for others. I call bullshit when I see it. I speak my opinions, loudly.

    It is 2022 and I am sick and f*cking tired of seeing women’s voices hushed and rights minimized.

    Why are we still working twice as hard to prove ourselves? Why do we still feel guilty about asking for what we’re worth? Why is it still necessary to pack our emails full of smiley faces and exclamation marks so we aren’t perceived as a bitch? Why are we still being told how to act and what we’re allowed to do with our bodies? What is the force that keeps pushing us back down and putting us in “our place” — where we don’t belong?

    We’ve worked our asses off building empires, businesses, skillsets, communities, and connections.

    Now is the time to leverage those assets to get loud and let our voices be heard.

    We need progress.

    I don’t have the answers. I wish I did. I’m just one loud woman hoping to rally some other loud people so we can re-establish fundamental human rights and maybe find something that resembles equality.

    Since it’s common knowledge that most stock photos are only fit for memes, here is a collection of women’s rights-themed free stock photos that you can use to fight the patriarchy. They are licensed for personal and commercial use, so have at it.

    Best Pro-Choice Free Stock Photos

    The Best Free Stock Photos for Women’s Rights

    View the full collection and download the high-resolution images.

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